Master Rule Changes/Additions Reference
Updated 4/9/93 (yep, that long ago!)
Time Chart - change 1 minute to 5 minutes and 5 minutes to 30
- acrobatics - +1 DCV/ +1 to +2 OCV if surprised
- conversation - delete
- language chart - only if learned from childhood
- martial arts - +1d6 to throw
- oratory - delete
- persuasion - delete
- range skill level - 1 1/2 should be 1
no perks except money
universal translator only with really, really good conception
- mental powers can be countered by another using same power
- mind control, telepathy, mental illusions - break out at -3 if
attacker pays end
- aid (heal) is 1d6 per 10 points, susbsequent attempts to heal repairs
only what wasn't healed previously (e.g. if healed 12 stun, 3 body, the next time rolled
16 stun, 3 body that would only give 16-12=4 stun and 3-3=0 body.
- force wall - must continue to pay end to keep up
- mental illusion - damage option: can use 1/2 total points in illusion
as NND
- reflection - as per champs II (with no missile deflection)
- summon - only with good conception (not normally a 'good' thing to
- teleport - float studied for 1 phase (not turn)
Power Modifiers:
- autofire - no 2x cost for red end, special/NND autofire costs +1/2
adv, not +1
- double knockback - change to +1/4 per -1 die
- reduced end - change to 1/2 end = +1/4 adv; 1/4 end = +1/2 adv; 0 end
= +3/4 adv
- variable advantage - not allowed (unless universe-shattering
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