Supplemental Magic Rules
Magic is a super power of a very special category. It is inherently powerful and falls into a class of its own, which is why there must be special rules, restrictions and benefits placed upon it. First, there are three types of 'magic' characters; the magically enhanced, the magic spawned (origin is magic related), and the true magician. The first two simulate normal Champions rules and fall under their specifics. There are various schools of magic from which the character may choose his power base. They include:
Depending on experience and power base, magicians can be classified by five levels:
Each level of mastery has its own benefits and restrictions which will be described following. It must be noted that as a beginning character, you will start out no higher than Adept rank, and must have a good conception for that rank, as well as a good investment of skill points in the fields of magic. Following describes some of the rules in terms of the champions campaign:
The novice is a person who has limited knowledge of the arcane arts and can perform only minor tricks and spells. Most spells are personal, and never involve energies not of the local dimension. A novice may or may not be under the tutelage of a master, but if he is not properly supervised, he can not progress past knowing a few 'parlor tricks'.
As the name implies, the disciple is a student of magic; an apprentice of basic level. At this stage in the magician's career, he often finds his own magic path and the power base he will tap. His master will slowly begin to teach his disciple useful spells, rarely combat spells, and only a minimal amount of defensive spells. Near the end of the disciple's training, the master will usually require some test of skill and upon successful completion will present a gift of power to the student, usually a culmination of the path his student has followed. This could be a talisman, artifact, arcane tome, or even a personal permanent spell.
The adept magician has now gained a substantial amount of power and can choose whether to further his studies with his master or to 'adventure' for a while. Most adepts feel the constraining need to take leave of their masters and explore their teachings. It is at this time that a magician is at his most reckless. The adept has the power, but not the experience. However, most masters will realize that this stage in his apprentice's growth is natural, but he will still keep a close eye on the pupil. The adept is free to explore the worlds at his whim, yet must be careful not to advertise his background. The raw power of magic is a valuable resource and commodity, and there are many magicians and magical beings who specifically wait for inexperienced adepts to step into their webs.
The master magician has attained an important rank. He is very familiar with the workings of magic and can be called upon as an expert in his school. A master may choose at this time to keep adventuring or to settle down and get an apprentice of his own. A master's power is much more diverse that the other levels of magicians. Older, more experienced masters will undoubtedly prove more powerful than an inexperienced, newer master. A master spends much of his time studying the ancient tomes and artifacts he finds or has inherited. A master may also seek to create his own devices and spells at this rank. A master may draw the attention of other powerful beings and magicians. He must be on his guard and take precautions when he is vulnerable.
Sorcerer Supreme
The Sorcerer Supreme is the most powerful magician of the dimension he naturally inhabits. Its title confers a great responsibility to the individual and he is constantly struggling to keep the unbalancing external forces from interfering with his dimension. The Sorcerer Supreme is noted for his worthiness rather than power, and has vast resources and experience. He can take students, research items and spells, and travel to other dimensions as he wishes. There can only be one sorcerer supreme in a dimension.
Skills, Powers and Specials: The Sorcerer Supreme has special providence over these restrictions, and in some cases may even define them for a dimension. He must have advanced from the master level, so he has those skills and powers as a minimum, but he also is imbued with a portion of the universal energy of his dimension, usually imparted upon his master's abdication.
Types of spells:
PERSONAL - These spells tap the energy of the being himself. They are usually less powerful, defensive or helpful spells. They may include:
UNIVERSAL - The Universal spell taps into the energy of the local dimension or universe. These types of spells effect or alter already existing states of matter and energy. They are more powerful and are only limited by the spellcaster's experience. These may include any powers not included in PERSONAL spells, as well as more powerful versions of PERSONAL spells.
DIMENSIONAL - The Dimensional or entreaty spell is a special class of magic use. It allows the caster to ask the favor of an extra-dimensional being, usually of great power, to perform some magic act, or to impart some of its power to the caster. The entreated creature may or may not be favorably inclined, however, and misuse of this type of spell usually creates an enmity toward the caster. Dimensional spells are specific and can NOT be crafted. They are usually only known to the Master rank magicians or the Sorcerer Supreme.
Approximate Power Ranges for Magicians:
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