Current Status of Organizations and Independents


Name Side Current Status/Location
Alliance, The Bad Disbanded. Most members captured.
Alpha Flight Good Disbanded. Some former members are independent, but still work together.
Asylum Bad Out of sight since 3/97.
Avengers: East Good Reorganized under U.S. government jurisdiction. Most members quit for independent status or retirement. Current members Captain America, Scarlet Witch, Iron Man.
Avengers: West Good See above.
DEMON Bad Out of sight since 10/96.
Dokukata Bad Out of sight since 4/93.
EMMA Bad All captured except for Tracer. Captives in Stronghold.
Eurostar Bad At large in Europe. Incarcerated at The Dungeon: Durak, LeSone, Pantera
FACET Bad Disbanded. Leader Dahrke dead, Wolfe captured, held in Stronghold.
Fantastic Four Good Disappeared on 7/12/98. Lost in parallel dimension.
Four Winds, The Bad At large.
GAMMA Good Absorbed by UNTIL, now a west coast branch.
Hellfire Club Bad Gone underground after mutant scare of 1995.
Hydra Bad Out of sight since 12/94.
Mask Bad Disbanded. Mask and Torrent captured and placed in SAFE.
Mystia Bad At large
New Mutants, The Good Gone underground, see X-Men.
Pentad, The Bad At large.
PRIMUS Good Sub-branch of FBI
Project Indigo Bad Disavowed by U.S. government.
Project Redbook Bad Disavowed by U.S. government.
Project Wideawake Bad After being exposed, members have gone underground. Sen. Trask disappeared.
Protectors, The Good Most killed by nuclear detonation in space. Survivors have gone independent.
PSI Bad At large, but low-key since 1993.
Purifiers, The Bad Out of sight since 5/96.
Quorum Good Operating out of S.F.
SPI Good Disbanded due to conflict of interests. Some members still act as mercenaries.
Sun Coast Alliance Good Not in existence. TVA Classified.
Viper Bad Disbanded, or dead. VIPER was the target of a rivalry with HYDRA. 6 VIPER bases were destroyed in 2/97. Only 2 known survivors, Pulsar and Howler. Both have gone undergound.
WAR Bad At large and a top menace.
X-Force Good See X-Men.
X-Men Good Since the mutant hysteria of 1994, most mutant groups have kept a very low profile. Several X-men left Earth to pursue offworldly deeds, a few remain to rescue the helpless, etc. School is closed, burned to the ground. HQ is now suspected to be in the Los Angeles mountains. Remaining members: Wolverine, Psylocke, Forge.
Yakuza Bad Most of the supers have been ‘filtered’ out, but new ones have taken their place.
Zodiac, The Good Zodiakos Kyklos destroyed by Dr. Doom. 10 of 12 members killed. Taurus and Aquarius are sole survivors. Currently working independently out of Europe.


Name Side Current status/last known location
Armadillo II Bad Deceased. Power surge in armor suit caused electrocution.
Batman Good Returned to parallel dimension, no knowledge of this one.
Black Paladin Bad Stronghold
Black Panther Good Retired
Bogeldaemon Bad Limbo
Box Good Retired
Brainstorm Good Atlantic City
Coriolis Good Los Angeles
Crossfire Bad New York
Daedalus Bad Unknown
Daredevil Good Hell’s Kitchen, NY
Doctor Arcane Good Deceased. Heart failure.
Doctor Destroyer Bad Deceased. Poisoned by unknown rival.
Doctor Doom Bad Unknown
Doctor Pym Good Retired
Dros-Ka’ Bad None known to be on Earth
Echo Good SAFE
Elektra Bad New York
Falcon Good Retired
Firebird Good Mexico City
Frostbyte Bad Unknown
Genoan Bad Unknown
Guardian Good Ontario
Gurandoth Bad Unknown
Gyrus Bad Unknown
Hacker Good Mercenary
Hawkeye Good Los Angeles
Holocaust Bad SAFE
Howler Bad Stronghold
Hulk Good Retired
Immortus Bad Unknown
Infiltrator Good Deceased
Jharda Bad Unknown, possible x-dim
Lord Mal-Anaman Bad Unknown, possible x-dim
Lumen Bad Vault
Lxaorian Bad None known on Earth
Maelstrom Good Unknown
Magneto Bad Unknown
Magog, The Bad Vault
Malefactor Bad Unknown
Mantis Good Hong Kong
Mechanon Bad Project Pegasus, dismantled
Mechassassin Bad Stronghold
Midnight Bad Chicago
Mockingbird Good Los Angeles
Monster Bad Stronghold
Moon Knight Good New York
Morbane Bad Unknown
Nexus Bad Unknown
Nick Fury Good Deceased, killed by Punisher
Nucleon Bad New York
Oculor Bad New York
Paragon Bad Unknown
Photon Bad St. Louis
Psiborg Bad Area 11
Pulsar Bad Deceased. Killed accidentally by Iron Man
Punisher Good? New York
Purifiers Bad New Orleans
Quasar Good Retired
Rage Good Unknown
Rai Bad Los Angeles
Recoil Bad Project Pegasus
Recon Good Mercenary
Renegade Good Retired
Repulse Bad Vault
Ricochet Bad Deceased. Killed in attempt to hijack nuclear missile.
Sasquatch Good Unknown
Shaman Good Retired
She-Hulk Good Retired
Shroud Good New York
Shuma-Gorath Bad Unknown, possible x-dim
Shushinko Samurai Bad Destroyed
Skinhead Bad Vault
Spectrum Bad Unknown
Spiderman Good New York
Stasis Bad Unknown
Subterfuge Good Mercenary
Synapse Good Retired
Tactician Good Retired
Talisman Good Ontario
Tantalus Bad Unknown
Tigra Good Retired
Titania Bad New York
Toro Good Mexico City
Torpedo Bad Area 11
Torque Bad Los Angeles
Trism Bad Unknown
Typhoid Mary Bad New York
Vindicator Good Ontario
Vision Good Retired
Volt Bad Los Angeles
Wasp Good Retired
Wonderman Good Retired
X’al Bad None known to be on Earth
Yellowjacket Good Los Angeles
Zig-Zag Bad Los Angeles
Zlorak Bad Unknown

Worldwide Intelligence Agencies

UNTIL Has gained considerable power since SHIELD was disbanded. Worldwide jurisdiction enables agents to effectively provide a force to deal with super-villains. Public opinion is mixed. Some feel that UNTIL has too much freedom, especially some of the small local law enforcement agencies. UNTIL is cooperative with most governmental agencies, and has accumulated a considerable database of paranormal activity.
SHIELD The X’al invasion penetrated most deeply into the organization of SHIELD. Nearly 50% of the current field commanders had been eliminated and replaced by dopplegangers. Nick Fury was able to escape his capture at the hands of the X’al, but died in 2007 in a conflict with the Punisher, who killed him in a hand-to-hand fight.
FBI The FBI cooperates with UNTIL, but maintains its own files and databases as well. Agents of the FBI are now equipped by the collective resources of the United States Government. A massive reorganization was necessary after the exposure of widespread infiltration by the X’al. Most top federal government posts have been reassigned and several new security-related divisions have been created. Division X has gained notoriety of late with the discovery and containment of several accounts of alien presences.

Maximum Security Detention Facilities (MSDFs)

Name Location Current Guests
Stronghold Secret Location near Boulder, Colorado Black Paladin
SAFE Near New Wales, England Echo
The Vault Washington, D.C. Lumen
Area 11 Sahara Desert, Africa Psiborg
BRIG Atlantic Sea Floor, 300 mi. ESE of France classified
BK-1 Earth orbit classified
Project Pegasus Remote location in Montana Mechanon

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